What and why of custom club-fitting?
Club-fitting is significant because the ‘off-the-rack’ golf clubs harm tempo, smash factor, and club face orientation at impact for all skill levels; thus, club fitting is essential to maximize performance (Wishon, 2006; Bertram & Guadagnoli, 2008). The data shows that novice golfers gained club-head speed and improved timing (tempo and club-face angle at impact), while experienced golfers improved center-face contact, rhythm, and tighter dispersion (Bertram & Guadagnoli, 2008). However, club-fitting has different levels.
Wishon (2006) explained that four distinct club-fitting processes exist: 1) a length, loft, and lie fitting with a minimal interview and limited demo testing; 2) a detailed interview that identifies needs and preferences for all club specifications, often a phone or online assessment; 3) detailed interview, club specification analysis and measurement, demo testing with a launch monitor, and a follow-up session to confirm the fitting recommendation; 4) a fitting for a top tier pro because prototype clubs and shafts are built based on the level 3 fitting process. The fitting is meaningful because golfers react and adapt to the non-fit clubs instead of developing a technique with fit clubs that support the method( Wishon, 2006). Therefore, all golfers need to identify what type of fitting they are getting and prepare for the experience through research and questions for the fitter.
How do golfers decide?
Golfers build confidence in a brand through experiences that immerse the senses, emotions, and physical actions; however, the risk of the purchase increases the level of doubt (Chung & Jon, 2022). A club fitter can help a golfer filter through the marketing and quell lingering doubts by confirming the golfer’s performance and providing personalized club specifications. Furthermore, the club fitter can provide fine-tuning adjustments after purchase. Generating confidence in the golf equipment investment is significant because these purchases can be expensive. However, other factors influence decision-making.
Who influences your purchase?
Satisfaction and loyalty to a brand of clubs do not correlate with a positive brand experience since external information, such as feedback or reviews, influences a golfer’s choice to purchase (Chung & Jon, 2022). Golfers that rely on third-party information can generate a faulty investment in golf clubs. For example, buying clubs off-the-rack or online based on feedback and reviews does not account for the different characteristics of each golfer’s swing and sensations. Furthermore, past experiences do not account for the current state of the golfer or the brand.
How to foster confidence in your golf equipment?
A qualified club fitter will know the cause-and-effect relationship of a golf club’s specifications and be able to measure and adjust the specification. Furthermore, meaningful dialogue will identify your golf performance needs and preferences. The brand of equipment can reduce doubt; however, performance should be the goal of your golf equipment investment because you can eliminate doubt about equipment and focus on skill building.
Author: Jonathan Hensey, MS Education & MS Sports Psychology
Bertram, C. P., & Guadagnoli, M. A. (2008). The effects of custom-fitted clubs versus “Placebo” clubs on golf-swing characteristics. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 3(1_suppl), 93–98. https://doi.org/10.1260/174795408785024126
Chung, M. R., & Jon, W. P. (2022). The influence of brand experience on satisfaction, uncertainty, and brand loyalty: a focus on the golf club industry. Sport, Business and Management, 12(2), 154-170. https://doi.org/10.1108/SBM-11-2020-0115
Wishon, T. W. (2006). Common sense clubfitting: the Wishon method. Tom Wishon Golf Technology.